Lighthouse Nomination


One of my favorite blogs, Highchairs and Headaches, recently nominated me for the Lighthouse Award which is given to blogs that inspire. I am honored not because I feel like such an honor is due to me, but rather because I like Jeannine’s blog so much for her honest, humorous, and sometimes sarcastic take on parenting. One of my favorite posts by her is titled Cuteness Overload and I will think a lot less of you if you don’t like it as much as I did, which is a ton.

Having said that, inspiration is a squirrely thing. I am unsure how exactly the things I say inspire but I will avoid the rabbit hole of self doubt and simply say thanks to all who care to read the things I say. We all like to be liked.

The Lighthouse Rules state:

  • Display the Award Certificate
  • Write a post with a link back to the blogger that nominated you (I hope it works. I am a cyber ignoramus)
  • Nominate other bloggers and inform them
  • Share three ways you like to help others
  • Have fun (This last one is a little cheesy but I will go with it)

So here are the three ways I help other people:

  1. I have dedicated my entire existence to three ungrateful, constantly hungry, noisy, and occasionally smelly people. I’m not saying I’m Gandhi, but that’s mainly because I’m not from India.
  2. The other day I made fresh French bread for someone’s birthday. You know who you are, and I rock because of it.
  3. When my daughter failed her math test as I was writing this and started to cry, I consoled her. And then I made her take it again.

Here are some other awesome blogs that I follow and due henceforth nominate:

Frank’s Place

Looking Glasses


Check these out!

I understand that the accompanying photo with my last blog entry may offend some, but it made me laugh so much I just had to add it. It was, contrary to this award, not intended to inspire you.


9 thoughts on “Lighthouse Nomination

  1. Sammy D.

    Hey! Congratulations and thanks for the shout-out. I’m going to check out Highchairs and Headaches now. Always enjoy parenting anecdotes (never having been one myself, but having all the joy of grandparenting – is that fair?).

      1. Sammy D.

        It’ll be May before I do my work for The Lighthouse Award because I’m up to my ears in April A to Z Challenge, but I will follow through then!

  2. Highchairs and Headaches

    Wow! Thanks for saying such kind words about my blog! I really appreciate it.

    When I was nominated for the award, your blog was one of the first that came to mind. I think it’s very witty and well-written, and offers a fresh perspective that so many mommy blogs are missing (what with the fact that you’re a dude and all). When I read your blogs, it feels like I’m reading an excerpt from a really awesome memoir, the kind I’d probably recommend to my friends when I’d finished. Also, your blog has one of the most clever names I’ve heard. Love it!

    1. stayathomefodder Post author

      Thanks! Your writing makes me laugh out loud and I love that you don’t edit your use of your, um, colorful language. You are a great writer so keep writing and I’ll keep following…

  3. Sammy D.

    Hi – thanks for reading my A to Z posts so far. Some will be more interesting than others, but it’s been good to have to prepare 26 of them. Everything ok on your end? Just making sure since you haven’t posted in a couple weeks. Maybe you’re on vacay!

    1. stayathomefodder Post author

      It has been awhile since I posted something! Sometimes time catches me by surprise. Thanks for checking in. I have simply been busy with life. I enjoy your writing and am envious of having 26 posts done in advance…

      1. Sammy D.

        March was a little nuts preparing them and April is busy visiting and commenting on lots of blogs. I find lots of interesting reads and pictures and talent; I just hate that I have to be sitting at the computer to do it. The yin yang of blogging! Look forward to reading when you do get back to posting>

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